Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Reasons for failure in GATE exam

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam acts as a testing tool to test students’ knowledge about their understanding of graduate-level subjects in engineering and science. Basically, it is one of the toughest exams around the World which tests the fundamental understandings of the different undergraduate subject which comes under Science and engineering, which indirectly shortlists the well-qualified student for higher studies and Technical research.

Every GATE is conducted by one of the 7 IIT at Chennai, Mumbai, Kanpur, Roorkee, Delhi, Kharagpur, Guwahati, and IISC Bangalore on behalf of The National Coordination Board.

Nearly 8-9 lakhs students appear for GATE Exam annually, and we get the most surprising result every time that only 17 percent of the complete test-takers qualify, and the maximum of them belongs to IIT.

Let’s talk about some unknown facts and reasons why most of the students failed to qualify GATE exam.

Only a few numbers of students get the chance to study in many IITs by qualifying in the IIT entrance exam. The rest of the students’ study in private engineering colleges affiliated by some universities so those students get familiar with the syllabus given by the particular universities. Here begin the differences. There's a difference between syllabus of both IIT and ordinary universities
Since the professors of IIT make the questions, we can easily assume that the IIT students are well-practiced in solving exactly the very same types of questions and well called the question pattern and types.

An enormous difference is in the teaching process too. Suppose a student of any private university does a problem using the Calculus technique. IIT's student may do the problem with the Vector method. A question in GATE exam may come up that could be solved by only the vector method. Here the private university student fails.

Competition is getting high enough day by day so we need to push our knowledge to advance level to clear GATE exam for which you can take help from quality online coaching for GATE which will provide you quality study materials. Limited or no access to the proper guidance could lead to failure in the GATE examination.

There are many unknown or known facts behind the failure of students in GATE and the reason for failure may vary from student to student. I am just trying to highlight those reasons or facts which are most effective to an engineering student. So, think about you. What do you want actually? Because competition is now very high enough to drown you in the mid-sea. The world is not going to stop you but your own mistakes. Make the right decision and chose the right path.

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